Merit Prep Tutoring offers academic enrichment for students of all ages and ability levels. We offer enhanced tutoring for students in competitive academic environments, as well as remedial tutoring for students seeking to catch up. Read below to learn more about our offerings.
Elementary School Tutoring Program
(Lower and Middle Level ISEE tutoring also available)
Classrooms are crowded. Teachers are stressed. Our customized enrichment instruction focuses on your child’s individual strengths and weaknesses in the early years of education when it matters most. Fill in any missing gaps with customized supplemental instruction in an area of your choosing.
Middle School Tutoring Program
(Upper Level ISEE tutoring also available)
Middle school is an important time in a student’s intellectual development, and lays the groundwork for upcoming high school courses. Get ahead with supplemental instruction to address any problem areas and improve skill within comfortable subjects. For 8th graders applying to high schools, specialized ISEE instruction is also available.
High School Tutoring Program
(College Admissions Mentoring also available)
High school is the culmination of your child’s general education, and their time to shine. As classes get harder and responsibilities become more intense, academic fluency can likewise begin to slip. Prevent any loss in performance with one-on-one instruction in areas of English, Writing, Mathematics, and college entrance exam preparation.
Returning Education
(Graduate School Admissions Counseling also available)
Designed for older students who have been away from traditional school, the Returning Education program helps to bring you up to speed quickly. We’ll review the parameters of your coursework and projects and develop a plan of study that will return you to full confidence.
Online School Learning Coaching
For students enrolled in online home school programs, a Learning Coach is a helpful guide who works directly with your child to ensure that work is completed, lessons are understood, and schoolwork remains enjoyable. I’ve worked with students in a variety of learning environments, including online homeschooling in order to provide supplementary educational enrichment. Depending on the needs of your child, Learning Coaching for semester-based and year-round programs is available.